Henry Walton Jones
About Senior
Professor Dr. Henry Walton Jones was born in Scotland on December 12th, 1872, to a scottish mother and an american father, who worked his way up from the secretarial pool to become vice president at a local bank. Growing up, he was also raised by his grandfather and his grandmother. After working his way through school with the help and the tutelage of Helen Margaret Seymour at Oxford University, where he developed friendships with Marcus Brody, Richard Medlicot and Eric Scythe, Henry graduated from university in 1893. Professor Henry Walton Jones moved to America and his relationship with an American woman named Anna Mary led to marriage in 1898. While living together in New Haven, Connecticut, Henry beheld a vision. As he prepared a gloss for a colleague's seminar one April evening, his wine glass rose before his eyes and filled the study with a glow. It transformed into the Holy Grail and a disembodied voice informed him that he would seek the treasure like the knights of old. The next day, firm in the belief he had been given a quest, Henry began his Grail diary and dedicated his life to finding the cup of Jesus Christ. A year later, Henry and Anna Mary had moved to Princeton, New Jersey, where their son Henry Walton "Indiana" Jones, Junior was born on July 1th, 1899. In 1900, Professor Jones took a teaching position as professor of medieval literature at the University of Princeton. He’s been driven and fascinated by the search for the Holy Grail, keeping all the clues he found regarding its whereabouts in his Grail diary. And his son Indiana Jones, resented his father's lifelong pursuit of the quest for the Holy Grail, as an obsession, that he never understood...